2011 Aug 14

Scoop: Love Triangles Heat Up in Third Season of ‘Vampire Diaries’

The “Vampire Diaries” season premiere is just six weeks away. Season 2 ended with Stefan (Paul Wesley) becoming Klaus’s (Joseph Morgan) reluctant minion, Damon (Ian Sommerhalder) kissing Elena, and Jeremy seeing all his dead ex-girlfriends. Executive Producer Kevin Williamson came to the Television Critics Association panel Thursday to discuss his new series “The Secret Circle.” Everyone was as interested in the further adventures of Elena and the Salvatore brothers as they were about the coven of gorgeous teen witches. So Willamson generously declassified some information about the third season of “Vampire Diaries.”

The Show Will Take A Small Leap Forward In Time: The second season of “Vampire Diaries” picked up moments after the first season ended. This year, time will have passed between the seasons. “We’re kind of vague about it. I’d say [it’s] a month or two later in our timeline,” Williamson said.

For more scoop on the new season of The Vampire Diaries Click Here

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