2011 Sep 20

Spoiler Chat: Get Scoop on Vampire Diaries and More….

ChicaNikkil49: I’m like a vampire without blood when I’m not getting any Katherine Pierce scoop from TVD. Can you help me, please?
Kevin Williamson tells us, “Katherine (Nina Dobrev) doesn’t pop up right away. She hauled ass.” However, Katherine won’t stay gone for long. “…..

Sunchick116: Any good Stefan/Elena info at all? Or should we just prepare to cry ourselves to sleep the whole season?
Apologies to your tear ducts, but like we said last week Stefan (Paul Wesley) is gone for the first half or so of the season, so we don’t think that bodes well for The Vampire Diaries’ longstanding couple.

TooCool_2012: Vampire Diaries scoop please! Will ghost Vickie & ghost Anna be affecting Jeremy & Bonnie’s relationship? I hope not.
Good question. In fact, we asked the same thing when we ran into Kat Graham at the CW party. And by “ran into,” we mean she was on the carpet and we had a camera and, well, you know how interviews go.

read the rest of the spoiler over at E! Online > Watch with Kristin

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